from 39.90€
Dayna - Caustic Soda 500g
500 g. caustic soda;
(granulated solid)
brand: dayana
Caustic soda is a highly corrosive product that works on organic products.
Popularly, it is used to clean floors or unclog pipes, as it removes grease, but care is needed. While it helps, it can cause chemical burns to your skin or eyes at the slightest contact.
Using cooking oil to make soap at home is an environmentally friendly attitude, but it can be risky - especially for those with children or pets, as many videos on the internet suggest adding caustic soda to the production process.
All soap is produced by the basic hydrolysis reaction of esters, famously known as the saponification reaction. Oils and fats are esters that react with a strong inorganic base solution such as caustic soda (NaOH) to produce glycerol as a by-product, which is nothing more than glycerin and an organic salt that is soap.